Shopping with eWIC Who to call for help Iowa WIC Help Desk: Inside Iowa – 1-515-281-6650 Outside Iowa – 1-800-532-1579 Call your WIC clinic or Iowa WIC help desk if… You have questions about WIC foods or amounts You were not able to buy a food that...
FollowFollowFollow Arkansas WIC In May, 2015, Arkansas WIC installed 25 WIC clinics with the JPMA WICSmart Nutrition Education system. The remainder of Arkansas WIC offices will be converted to WICSmart later this year. In addition to tablet-based education kiosks...
West Virginia WIC The mission of the West Virginia WIC program is to improve the health of women, infants and children in West Virginia by providing quality nutrition and breastfeeding counseling and education; as well as health monitoring and nutritious foods. Read...
FollowFollowFollowFollow Florida WIC Over 45,000 families participating in the Florida WIC program use WICShopper on over 130,000 shopping trips per month. WICShopper has become an indispensable tool for helping Florida WIC participants find eligible products for...
Choctaw Nation WIC has adopted the JPMA WICSmart platform to provide Nutrition Education for it’s WIC participants. Lessons are available to participants on tablet-based kiosks in the clinic as well as on-line from anywhere with an internet connection. More...