West Virginia WIC

The mission of the West Virginia WIC program is to improve the health of women, infants and children in West Virginia by providing quality nutrition and breastfeeding counseling and education; as well as health monitoring and nutritious foods.

Read more about West Virginia WIC, WICShopper and JPMA.


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Contact WV WIC

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West Virginia WIC EBTShopper

AUGUST 14th, 2014

The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources says the free app will make it easier for participants in the Women, Infants and Children program, or WIC, to shop for groceries. READ MORE…

West Virginia WIC

So convenient!

This app is so helpful. I use it for WIC for my daughter, and its so nice to be able to just scan something to see if its eligible. Also, having an easy way to check the remaining items during the month is great….I never get everything in a single trip, and I can never manage to keep up with the last receipt that has the ending balance listed, so this solves that problem beautifully.


Lora P.

WIC Participant